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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

About My Instrument

The name of my instrument is the Trumpet. This instrument is in the great Brass family. All instruments in the Brass family have a bell. The number of parts is 9 they are the following mouth piece, valves, valve casings, first valve slide, second valve slide , third valve slide ring, water key third valve slide and hook.
 My instrument plays in the treble cleff. My instrument was invented in during the middle ages between 500-1430. The trumpet was invented by Heinrich Stozel from Europe. When my instrument was invented without valves it was in a low pitch but now a days it plays in a high pitch. To play the Trumpet you have to wet your lips clench your teeth keep your cheeks in and buzz. To assemble the Trumpet you gently put the mouth piece in the hole do not shove or hit the top of the mouth piece because it could damage it. There are many ways to sterilize your instrument's mouth piece, you can use soap and water, sterilizing solution or dish soap. To maintain your instrument before and after you play is to make sure you put your instrument together and to take it apart correctly.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brandon,

    I am your buddy from Ottawa, in Ms. Pollocks class! Very interesting post. I am looking forward to read your post about the "Golden Rule"!
    Come check out my blog too.

